Greens - After playing golf a handful of times in college - I was recently invited to a golf event at work. I put one inches away from the cup on a par 3, and that was all it took for me to be addicted to the game.
I bought my first set of clubs in November of 2008. Since then I have taken lessons, and I have been playing in tournaments regularly for over a year. I am a solid 20 handicap and have started shooting in the 80's recently. I have goals for this year that I will share in later posts.
You can see my results on the Golf Channel Amateur Tour Website. I am currently planning out my schedule of tournaments for 2011.
Grapes - Several years ago, while working at Disney, a person who is now a Master Sommelier said to me, "If you want to learn about wine, just start by drinking it." I thought to myself, jheez - that's a tough assignement.
Over the past 12 years I have made trips to Napa, Santa Barbara, Paso Robles, and Chablis in France. I am labeled a wine snob by my friends. Golf and Red wine don't mix on the course - probably helps my handicap ;-)
Grub - My love of food comes from my family. My mother was an awesome cook. My grandfather was a fisherman and my father a farmer/carpenter. Growing up, our food came from our gardens and the animals we raised. Not only did we eat from this source - it also paid my way through college.
I have been working in restaurants since the age of 12(yes, 12!). I have been a dishwasher, a prep cook, a line cook, a bartender, a bus boy, a server, a host, an assistant manager, a restaurant manager, a director of operations, a franchise consultant, and a restaurant owner. I have experienced fast food, fast casual, family dining, fine dining, and country club operations. I have an opinion about everywhere I eat - and I will share it with you here.
To Summarize - If you want to read about the escapades and thoughts of a person who eats too much food, drinks too much wine, and plays a little too much golf - then this is the place! Happy Reading!